With the support of our customer SICAMB SpA, , NOVOTECH is currently providing the design and the implementation of a Control Board unit , finalized to the functional test of the Main Deck Cargo Door (MDCD) of the A320/321 P2F.
This Control Board will be used in the Functional Testing and Acceptance Test.
In particular, the main scope of the whole work (actually in progress) is to:
• Define the Technical solution, identifying all the components that will be integrated in the MDCD CB;
• Provide a scheme/general layout of the CB, including the cables and pipes schematics and the identification of all components;
• General layouts with identification of the components;
• Define a data acquisition system to record the sensors signals: A/D converter + Computer + Rack + Software;
• 3D CAD design (using CATIA V5 R21) of the Control Board structure, the hydraulic and the electric systems;
• Provide support to the assembly and installation of the CB at SICAMB plant;
• Provide support during the Operational tests.
Preliminary Sizing
Structural Analysis