Progetto INNOAID

Intervento cofinanziato nell’ambito del P.O.R. Puglia FESR-FSE 2014 – 2020 Asse prioritario 1 – Ricerca, sviluppo tecnologico, innovazione – Azione 1.3 – Sub- Azione 1.3 a – BANDO INNOAID – Sostegno per l’acquisto di servizi per l’innovazione tecnologica, strategica, organizzativa e commerciale delle imprese L’obiettivo del progetto è quello di caratterizzare un nuovo materiale composito…


Project Title: Multi-Material Thermoplastic high pressure Nitrogen Tanks for Aircraft Project number: 865291 Start Date: 01 October 2019 / End Date: 30 September 2021 Status: ongoing Funded Under: H2020-EU . – ITD Systems Programme: H2020-EU. – ITD Systems Topic: JTI-CS2-2018-CfP09-SYS-01-14 – Multi-Material Thermoplastic high pressure Nitrogen Tanks for Aircrafts Call for proposal: H2020-CS2-CFP09-2018-02 Consortium: NOVOTECH…


Project Title: Smart WING for new generation civil UAV CUP: B88I17001080008 Start Date: 02 Maggio 2018   / End Date:  01 Maggio 2021 Status: ongoing Funded Under:  MiSE – PON “Imprese e competitività” 2014-2020 – Grandi Progetti PON – Industria Sostenibile Consortium: PROTOM (Italy, Coordinator), NOVOTECH AEROSPACE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY SRL (Italy), LAER (Italy), CETMA (Italy). SWING…


Project Title: SIADD – Innovative solutions for the quality and sustainability of ADDitive manufacturing processes CUP: B36G18001430005 Start Date: 01 July 2019   / End Date: 31 December 2022 Status:  ongoing Funded Under:  PON “RICERCA E INNOVAZIONE” 2014 – 2020 E FSC Coordinator: Aerospace Technology District (DTA) scarl  – Brindisi (BR); Implementing members: GE AVIO Srl;…

Progetto FIRE

POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014/2020 – O.S. 1.1 – Avviso pubblico per il sostegno alle imprese nella realizzazione di studi di fattibilità (Fase 1) e progetti di trasferimento tecnologico (Fase 2) coerenti con la RIS 3 – Concessione del contributo in forma di sovvenzione – Soggetto proponente: JABER INNOVATION SRL – Progetto: FIRE – SVILUPPO DI…


This Project, in which NOVOTECH was partner with SIEMENS LMS (Belgium), is related to the “Low Noise” activities in Clean Sky Green Regional Aircraft (GRA). The main aim of the Project was the design of mechanisms for high lift devices (HLDs), load control and alleviation (LC&A) devices. NOVOTECH designed the mechanisms of two GRA ground…


Within the Call “Horizon 2020 – PON I&C 2014-20” issued by Italian Ministry of Economic Development, NOVOTECH is currently working, in partnership with DES Innovation, on the “SISTER CHECK” Project. Its aim is focused on the investigation and the integration of innovative system for Non-Destructive Inspection during tahe AFP (Automated Fiber Placement) process and on…


“COGEA” (Composite Certification in General Aviation) is a Project sponsored by Apulia Region. It aims to develop innovative design solutions for composite components of VLA (Very Light Aeroplanes) primary structures, using advanced CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) materials. NOVOTECH is currently involved to perform the preliminary design and manufacturing of wing’s sub-components for an Italian…