Progetto FIRE

POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014/2020 – O.S. 1.1 – Avviso pubblico per il sostegno alle imprese nella realizzazione di studi di fattibilità (Fase 1) e progetti di trasferimento tecnologico (Fase 2) coerenti con la RIS 3 – Concessione del contributo in forma di sovvenzione – Soggetto proponente: JABER INNOVATION SRL – Progetto: FIRE – SVILUPPO DI…


This Project is related to the Italian nuclear decommissioning of the power plant site of Garigliano (ITALY) managed by Sogin, the Italian State-owned company responsible. NOVOTECH, by subcontract of the GRIE.C.AM Company, has performed these main different activities: a) Statistical analysis of historical wind data recorded by the wind measurement station; b) Definition of FE Model…


Within the Call “Horizon 2020 – PON I&C 2014-20” issued by Italian Ministry of Economic Development, NOVOTECH is currently working, in partnership with DES Innovation, on the “SISTER CHECK” Project. Its aim is focused on the investigation and the integration of innovative system for Non-Destructive Inspection during tahe AFP (Automated Fiber Placement) process and on…