Project Title: Multi-Material Thermoplastic high pressure Nitrogen Tanks for Aircraft Project number: 865291 Start Date: 01 October 2019 / End Date: 30 September 2021 Status: ongoing Funded Under: H2020-EU . – ITD Systems Programme: H2020-EU. – ITD Systems Topic: JTI-CS2-2018-CfP09-SYS-01-14 – Multi-Material Thermoplastic high pressure Nitrogen Tanks for Aircrafts Call for proposal: H2020-CS2-CFP09-2018-02 Consortium: NOVOTECH…


Project Title: Smart WING for new generation civil UAV CUP: B88I17001080008 Start Date: 02 Maggio 2018   / End Date:  01 Maggio 2021 Status: ongoing Funded Under:  MiSE – PON “Imprese e competitività” 2014-2020 – Grandi Progetti PON – Industria Sostenibile Consortium: PROTOM (Italy, Coordinator), NOVOTECH AEROSPACE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY SRL (Italy), LAER (Italy), CETMA (Italy). SWING…


Novotech has provided to develop Blackshape BS115 CANOPY ASSEMBLY, in relation to the identification of the applicable reference specification. It has also performed FEM static analysis in order to size and verify the structural strength of the rollbar, verify the structural strength of the canopy transparent and canopy frame. Novotech has simulated the mechanism of…


Within the Project “K4A Helicopter KA-2HT”, NOVOTECH has provided the Design and Simulation Drop Testing on Landing Gear Skid, in particular developing the Static Analysis with MSC NASTRAN/PATRAN and the Dynamic one with MSC Adams. In particular, NOVOTECH has also simulated the Drop Test of the KA-2HT by means of Multi-Body Dynamic Analysis with MSC…


NOVOTECH completed a GVT survey on the Vulcanair A – Viator AP600 Aircraft in order to identify its structural dynamic characteristics, and to demonstrate the aircraft’s conformity with the EASA CS-23 norms par. 23.629 “Flutter”. The modal parameters (natural frequencies, damping and mode-shapes) were determined for both stick-free and stick-fixed conditions. NOVOTECH proceeded to test…


“COGEA” (Composite Certification in General Aviation) is a Project sponsored by Apulia Region. It aims to develop innovative design solutions for composite components of VLA (Very Light Aeroplanes) primary structures, using advanced CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) materials. NOVOTECH is currently involved to perform the preliminary design and manufacturing of wing’s sub-components for an Italian…